Friday, May 31, 2013

My Summer Reading List

Well, it's getting to be that time of year, when we bookworms start making our lists. Or is that just me? Anyway, I usually have a mental list of what I want to read in the summer, and I also have literally stacks of books waiting for me in various places around my house. This time I shall blog it. I'll have you know this is quite an accomplishment for me. Sooooo here goes.

My summer reading list:

Heroes Of The Valley (this one looks really good!)
The Last Dragon (I've already listened to this once before, but it was a long time ago and I really liked it so I will read it again)
A Nest For Celeste
Jackie's Wild Seattle
Drift House: the first voyage
The Shadow Thieves
The Dark Is Rising
The Inheritance Cycle. That's the official name for the Eragon Trilogy, by the way. Just in case you were wondering.

Well, that's a disorganized list. Oh well. I also realize that a few of these (actually most of these) are children's books, but I don't care. I'm going to read them. It's very unlikely that I will read ALL of these, of course, but it's nice to have a list of what's in front of you.
I just finished reading The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner. It was a great book. It didn't start out seeming so great, but I never saw the end coming. It also resolves itself very well, in my opinion. So well that it just left me with this great love for the characters. I was completely content and happy with the way it ended. You may not think it was such a great book, and I am not always the best judge, but I believe it's worth reading. Read on, my friends!!! Or, as Ramona's teacher would say, D.E.A.R! Which, sadly, but not so sadly, reminds me of DEER!!! Please tell me someone gets this.


Have you read any good books lately?